22nd Annual
Capital City Jazz Band Festival
November 16, 2024
Washington Center
for the Performing Arts
Giving Back
Monies from this event go towards
international Rotary water projects, local youth leadership, musical instruments for low-income students in Thurston County school districts, and a gift to Hope Thurston County for domestic violence victims.
In 2008, the Cool Jazz Clean Water project expanded recipients from an International Water Project and Instrument donation program to Thurston County Schools, to include a Youth Leadership component.
The first recipient was Boys and Girl Scout programs in Thurston County. In 2009, the focus changed to an annual Youth Leadership Summit, providing for all of the local youth serving non-profits to participate. This yields enormous benefits in training staff and volunteers to better serve kids and their organizations. Over $15,000.00 has been given to this effort and, most recently, Camp Hope attendee sponsorships have been added.
Cool Jazz/Clean Water partners with local school districts to put new and refurbished musical instruments into the hands of public school students long on talent but short on funds.
To date, over 500 new and refurbished instruments have been given to Thurston County School Districts.
Click the links below to read articles about some of our water projects:
The Remba Island PPP Team Trip - WASRAG Blog
Tippy Taps and Two Cups: Simple Solutions That Are Changing Lives in Malawi - Start With Water Newsletter